Learn to Speak French Like a Native Speaker

What You Won’t Learn in Class

Annika Wappelhorst
6 min readAug 30, 2023
Photo of Montpellier by author

Your French teacher will probably hate me for this — or warn you by saying “Don’t learn bad French!” But I would counter, “Learn the French that is spoken on the streets and in the bars of the 21st century!” And yes, that is sometimes incorrect, annoying, or funny, but it is at least authentic — and will make you sound more like a native speaker than reading Voltaire, Molière, Sartre, and all these other authors I encountered during my French classes in high school.

Take it or leave it — here is my advice after having lived in Belgium (as a child) and France (as a young adult) for several years. If you are planning to spend time in a French-speaking country or have French friends, this might be more useful than years of taking French classes.

Season Your Sentences With Filler Words

My favorite tip, and by far the most important one: Make filler words like building blocks of your everyday sentences — maybe not at work or in your academic essays, but, you know, when talking to your flatmate Pierre or your French friend Amélie.

The top words are probably “du coup” (consequently — often used like well), “en fait” (actually), “enfin” (well) and “genre” (like). You know you’ve succeeded when even…



Annika Wappelhorst

I mainly write about life in Sweden and other countries, language learning, doing yoga and conducting media & communication research related to mobilities.